Trees for Teas by Kait

One Tree Planted

I joined the Silver Tips team late last year.  My role was to integrate digital marketing strategies and implement new ideas to grow the retail business, both online and in-store. One of the first ideas I proposed was to incorporate a Donate button that allowed customers to add $1 to their order to plant a tree.  This would help combat the carbon footprint from orders placed.  The idea was simple.  Donate $1 = Plant a Tree.  It was that easy.  I selected as our partner to accomplish this.

The idea was received enthusiastically by our team but placed on hold until Earth Day when we thought it would be an ideal fit.  So for the month of April, we implemented a plan that for every $25 ordered online, Silver Tips would donate $1 to plant a tree.  As the tree count continued to climb, I began to research the impact we were making.  I discovered that one single adult tree can produce up to 260 lbs. of oxygen and remove harmful ozone pollutants and carbon dioxide from the atmosphere each year.  I learned that 80,000 acres of forest disappear from the Earth every day.  Planting a single tree can also replace up to 20,000 sheets of paper. 

We've already planted over 150 trees.  As an environmentalist, I am elated at these numbers and to encourage customer participation, we are now making it possible for you to plant your own Trees.  At checkout, you will be prompted to donate $1 to plant a tree. You can even select a specific geographic area for your trees - Africa, Asia, Canada, North America or South America.  Wherever you choose, you will be making a lasting difference.  Thanks for planting more Trees!