great non-caffeinated treat when I want something warm and sweetened with honey and almond milk

For our many Darjeeling Makaibari Tea Estate fans, we now bring you Organic Jungpana Darjeeling. Guided by Rajah Banerjee, the illustrious scion of the Makaibari family. Jungpana has produced 3 teas for us - Black, Green, and a marvelous Silver Tips. You will recognize all the familiar notes you've come to associate with a classic Darjeeling - give it a try - Jungpana may make it to your list of favorites.
For our many Darjeeling Makaibari Tea Estate fans, we now bring you Organic Jungpana Darjeeling. Guided by Rajah Banerjee, the illustrious scion of the Makaibari family. Jungpana has produced 3 teas for us - Black, Green, and a marvelous Silver Tips. You will recognize all the familiar notes you've come to associate with a classic Darjeeling - give it a try - Jungpana may make it to your list of favorites.

Jungpana goes back to 1899 when it was taken over by an intrepid British Planter, Henry Montgomery Lennox. His successor, G.W. O'Brien was instrumental in establishing Jungpana tea as a prime 2nd flush tea garden. His daughter was the owner of Jungpana. Post independence, O'Brien sold the Tea Estate to the Rana family of Nepal, Tribhuwan Bir Bikram Shah.
His ownership was brief and requested P.N. Banerjee of Makaibari to find a buyer for Jungpana. PN negotiated the deal for sale to Mahabir Prashad's family in the mid 50's. Since 2019 the garden has changed hands rapidly and is now owned by Mayfair Group of Hotels. Mayfair Group has opened a boutique resort in 2022. Jungpana is surrounded by woodlands and seven waterfalls, and today, Mayfair's guests visit these spectacular waterfalls sparkling from pure mountain springs.

The name Jungpana was derived from Lennox's predecessor who was mauled by a leopard while planting the first saplings in 1898. His trusted ranger Jung Bahadur Rai, fought the leopard away with his kukri. Wounded and with his life ebbing away, the British Planter whispered for water or "pana". Jung Bahadur revived him with the sparkling spring water and carried him 6 miles to Kurseong Hospital, where unfortunately the Doctors failed to save him. The legend of Jungpana was thus born - in honor of the brave Gorkha who heroically wrested his master from the jaws of a ferocious carnivore.
The estate comprises 400 acres in Jungpana and Maldiram division. Primarily known for its outstanding muscatel, the garden is now fully organic and produces specialty tea under tea maestro Rajah Banerjee's guidance. The estate is at an elevation of 2500 - 2700 feet. It is proud to carry the certifications of Rainforest Alliance, Organic, and ISO.