Do you take time out for yourself?

Yesterday, a gentleman walked into our Tea Room ready to do battle. He looked tough and spoke tough. He said he was driving by and saw our sign. He told us he worked very hard and didn't take any time for himself and he certainly didn't have time for a cup of tea. Yet, he stopped short at our sign, parked his car and came inside. He sat at one of our window tables and for the entire 15 - 20 minutes he was there, he looked out the window, reflected, had a quiet conversation with himself, enjoyed a hot cup of tea, exchanged a few words with Charlene, our server, left a big tip and then went back into his hectic world.

It was almost as if he was contemplating his life as it sped by and that he was realizing that he worked hard, deserved more time for himself, that he could take 15 minutes out from his workday and give this bit of calm to himself. We're so glad he did and that we added this small bit of joy to his life.
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