Do you need a Teapot to steep tea?

This week we were asked by several customers whether they should buy a Teapot.  
  • If you only drink one cup at a time, your perfect instrument to brew tea is a good Infuser Basket.
  • If you dr or Oolong tea that doesn't need water that is boiling hot, you can use a Clay or Glass Teapot.
  • If your tea of choice is a Breakfstoneware type of Teapot.
  • If you drink strong, robust teas in a Teapot, a Tea Cozy is advisable.  It preserves the heat.
  • If you are making Oolong, JasmGreen Tea, use an Infuser Basket so you can re-infuse the tea easy.
CIMG1414Teapots come in all sizes and types.  The English Brown Betty style is well known but by no means the only kind.  Asian-style teapots, particularly the famous Yxing teapots are highly recommended for Greens and Oolongs,  Cast iron teapots can be ideal for Green teas but must be carefully maintained so as not to develop rust.  Tempered Glass teapots are the perfect vehicle to watch a Jasmine Pearls unfurl.  We are always here to guide you if you hu don't burn your fingers when lifting it out.  The salient features to look for are a fine mesh and a size large enough to fit comfortably in a standard cup or mug.  The best ones comp.BREW BASKET