Silver Tips Tea Blog

Here's a look at what goes on behind the scenes, our thoughts on tea, fun facts and customer comments.

Silver Tips Tea Blog - Main

Technology, aargh!

We used to have an old-fashioned cash register until a couple of years ago.  Then we moved over to an electronic one which requires a technician to help us through...

I guess we've arrived

A couple of days ago, the Property Manager was spotted outside our offices busy measuring the distance around our parking spots and lo and behold, what do you know, we...

Top Candy Honors

Every industry has its top performers and the National Confectionary Sales Association is no exception.  Top honors for the best candy and snack product of 2010 went to Madelaine Chocolate...

A very welcome gift

For the past 2 days, I've been coming home to find notices on my front door from the UPS guy.  Having worked from home in the past, I know all...