Silver Tips Tea Blog

Here's a look at what goes on behind the scenes, our thoughts on tea, fun facts and customer comments.

Events & News

Blogger Merle Exit visits Silver Tips

Merle Exit and her friends, Esther & Eunice, came to visit last Friday.  Merle scatters fun and enthusiasm wherever she goes and this visit was no exception.  She is an active...

Blogger Merle Exit visits Silver Tips

Merle Exit and her friends, Esther & Eunice, came to visit last Friday.  Merle scatters fun and enthusiasm wherever she goes and this visit was no exception.  She is an active...

Tea Tasting Comments

Yesterday's Tea Tasting was a fun event - a small group of people, quite intense about tea! Here are comments from the session:What did you like most about this session?-...

Tea Tasting Comments

Yesterday's Tea Tasting was a fun event - a small group of people, quite intense about tea! Here are comments from the session:What did you like most about this session?-...