Test Your Knowledge

j0439533This week is my final exam on the mandatory Serv-Safe course required for all restaurant owners or operators.  Here are some typical questions that often appear on the test - see how you do (Answers tomorrow):  
  1. How long should you wash your hands?
  2. In order of top to bottom, how should you load/store these in your refrigerator - raw poultry, lettuce, fish?
  3. To what temperature should you cook ground beef?
  4. How about chicken?
  5. Is a hand sanitizer an acceptable substitute for hand-washing?
To complicate matters, New York has rules that are sometimes different from the national standards.  For the exam, we have to know the national standards.  To operate our Tea Room, we have to follow New York rules.   Have fun answering the questions and be grateful I did not ask you about the different food-borne illnesses, what causes each, the symptoms and how to avoid each!
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