A thoughtful hand-written note of thanks arrived recently from one of our mail-order customers:
"The order arrived in just 2 days time. This was really lickety-split! The order arrived packed really well and in good condition. Thank you for your courtesy over the telephone. I appreciate the fact that Silver Tips Tea will take my order by phone. The tea, as always, is delicious."
Well, thank you, Elise! We particularly appreciate it this week as we have had some ill-fated mishaps at the Tea Room. We have a rule at the Tea Room, clearly marked on our menus, that if you place a Tea Cozy on your head, we must toss it in the garbage for hygienic reasons and you are liable for $20 in damages. Despite this, a few customers exhibit this unfortunate behavior. Last Sunday, 2 young men did just this and when told it would cost them $20, they fled, leaving their belongings behind, got on their bicycles which were parked aside and pedalled away! Another customer broke one of the fixtures in one of our restrooms, as in, removed the bar from the wall, screws and all! Yet another customer moved her teapot on the table which still had a Tea Cozy on it and of course toppled the entire teapot with tea in it. So against this backdrop, a kind note of thanks, written on a note card, put into an envelope with stamps and mailed to us makes our day.