One good turn deserves another

kindness mattersOne of our fairly regular customers came in last week to let us know that her packet of Blackcurrant loose leaf tea had no flavor.  This was surprising to us since it is one of our strong & true flavors and had always performed to expectation.  Our servers sampled it and found nothing wrong.  Nevertheless, they offered the customer a replacement bag of tea at no cost, Kenilworth, Ceylon OP.  The customer repeatedly offered to return the Blackcurrant tea to us but our policy for Loose Leaf tea is that all sales are final.   A few days go by and the customer is back!  She explains to us apologetically that she had not realized that her homeopathic medication had affected her taste buds and she only figured this out when she put a spoon of peanut butter in her mouth and could taste nothing!  In her outstretched hands was the money to pay for the Kenilworth Ceylon tea.  She re-iterated that there was indeed nothing wrong with our Blackcurrant tea.  Our servers told her to enjoy the Blackcurrant and Kenilworth and both teas were on us.  Life came full circle at us - we did a nice thing for our customer and she returned the favor by delighting us.  As we often say,  Kindness Matters.
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