- Yes! Great idea!
- Yes, learned a few things.
- Yes, thank you. I also enjoy the Silver Tips Tea Room, the range of loose teas that you offer, Afternoon Tea and your Egg Souchong sandwiches. These have become a ritual accompaniment each summer when a group of us go to Boscobel for the Shakespeare theater. Please don't stop making them!
- Well composed quiz.
- Sure, now I know how much I don't know.
- Definitely fun (& generous).
- Yes, not easy but fun.
- Yes, quite challenging.
- Yes, this was a lot of fun. I hope you let us see the correct answers.
- Yes, Please be sure I am on the list for the newsletter.
- Cool Quiz.
- Yes, and I enjoy visiting your tea house occasionally while visiting my sister.
- A fun way to review information about tea!
- Yes, it was enjoyable. Wish it was a bit longer. Thanks for your selection of fine teas!
- Loved it but fear I know little!
- It was fun, hard to pick which tea to possibly win!
- Yes, this has been fun & a good mental break!
- Yes, but I think I got them all wrong!
- Yes, I like to test my tea knowledge.
Tea Quiz Results - Comments
At the end of our Tea Quiz, we asked for your Comments and if you enjoyed the Quiz. Responses were varied and fun: