As you know, we offer various types of promotions throughout the year. We'd love to know what you think of them. And we'll send you $5 for taking the time to fill out our short Survey - Thank you!.
Throughout the week, I rotate through different varieties of black tea. This bold, malty breakfast tea is one of my favorites and always on my rotation list! A perfect kick-start to the day or an afternoon pick-me-up.
I know that first flush tea is highly esteemed for its elegant, delicate flavor but I like my teas a little stronger. This second flush Makaibari still has the distinctive fragrant, floral character of Darjeeling, but with bolder flavor for a great morning wake-me-up!
This is easily our best-selling Makaibari and, like you, the majority of our customers prefer the 2nd flush. It also holds up better through the year compared to the 1st flush. Glad you found your morning Darjeeling!