About a year ago, Frank Bernabei and his family visited England. They saw the sights and specially enjoyed having tea in all the famous places - London & Bath and recollected clotted cream fondly. They return after their holiday and Frank is eager to develop his holiday photos. Their nearby camera store has closed down so Frank comes all the way to a branch in Tarrytown and leaves his film there for processing. After his chore is done, he is walking around with his head still full of England, thinking how lovely it would be to have a cup of tea. And lo and behold, he finds himself right outside our Tea Room! (Ritz Camera is down the block from us). In almost a daze, he ambles in and relives his entire tea experience and can hardly believe his luck.
Fast forward to today. He tells me has been to our shop many many times since his first visit, alone, with his family, almost once a month for the past year and now looks for excuses to come to Tarrytown! He knows all our staff, the menu items, has his favorite teas picked out and is a happy man. His wife tells me he is up on our events, keeps our business card handy. I told him if he kept this up, I would hire him as our publicist! Frank, here's raising our cup to you. Enjoy your little bit of England right here. We know how you feel!