"The anticipation is over. The tea is in! I would like to order 1 pound of the Darjeeling Makaibari First Flush and 2 pounds of the Darjeeling Makaibari Second Flush from the air shipment just received by Silver Tips. Thank you for all the work you and your staff do, to bring quality teas to your customers."Thank you Mike. And we always enjoy your sign-off, "Your Friend in Tea". You are indeed.
The most relaxing time of the day with my wife is our afternoon tea. We take our time as while the tea cools it improves in both flavor, mouth feel, and of course the buzz. This is my only deliberate flirt with caffeine and everything else that is packed into this tea. We believe this time together, music, tea, and laughing improves all the rest of our life.
How wonderful! You describe the full experience of tea in detail and with love. It is no wonder they call Oolong 'liquid sunshine'.