One of our regular customers, Barbara, told us recently that she had replaced her dessert with Fruit Tisanes. Each evening, she makes a different tisane - Cotton Candy, Toasted Almond, South Pacific, Wolfberry Melon, Streudel, Cherry Jubilee.....She said she had now lost 10 lbs. with this one change in her diet. For Easter Sunday, she selected Rooibos Chocolate Chai as a special treat. What's a fruit tisane? A blend of fruit, herbs, flavors, spices and flavoring, naturally without caffeine, usually with a fruity note to it. Some may have rooibos. Here's Wolfberry Melon with the distinct pink/coral gojiberries in the picture and another (below) with a rooibos blend - Grand Tisane.
great non-caffeinated treat when I want something warm and sweetened with honey and almond milk