More on Losing Weight with Fruit Tisanes...

Our friend, Barbara, who has been replacing her desserts with Fruit Tisanes and losing weight sent us a wonderful update after reading our blog:
Hi, I’m Barbara the person who is using the teas to lose weight. Just to give everyone an update, I have now lost 13 pounds on my “tea” diet. Instead of a snack shelf in my cupboard – I now have an entire shelf of different teas from Silver Tips – fruit teas, green teas & chocolate chai teas are my favorites. I have a big variety so that I never get bored & can pick a tea that I’m in the mood for. Tea is warm and comforting and takes a while to drink….it keeps my mouth busy without adding calories while I’m relaxing and watching tv at night & other times during the day when I need a pick me up. In addition, numerous studies show that it actually increases your metabolism and helps you lose weight. I’m happy to report – that it is working for me. I enjoy splurging on special teas – it is much better for my health – than buying snack food!
 Barbara - keep it up.  As I already said, we will keep a 4 oz. of your favorite Fruit Tisane aside for you!  Your story is a great motivator for all of us.
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