Tea Deva seen in Makaibari

Here's a small miracle of nature. A small creature that looks identical to a tea leaf has once again made its appearance at Makaibari. It first appeared at Makaibari in 1991 and baffled entomologists worldwide. No matching insects could be found in the textbooks. Scientists pored over its origins and finally the Zoological Survey of India and Calcutta University scients identified the singular creature as a member of the Phillidae family, which is adept at mimicry. Rajah Banerjee (owner of Makaibari and the pioneer of biodynamic tea) had already named it "Tea Deva" (a divine manifestation of tea). Rudolf Steiner, the father of biodynamic agriculture had stated in the 1920's that if agricultural practices are truly holistic, then the principal crop will be reflected in mimicry. Clearly, they must be doing something right at Makaibari. Other similar insects include ones that resemble sticks, twigs and deadwood but none until then had ever been seen to resemble a tea leaf.

Each visitor to Makaibari eagerly hopes for a discovery during their visit but most are disappointed. Not so for the Canadian couple visiting last week who hoped they would get to see one - they got lucky! Read more about this and the entire Makaibari story in
Rajah's book.