Makaibari 1st flush 2013

MAKAIBARI 1ST FLUSHEach year, we have some devoted fans who order the new vintage immediately upon arrival.  This year was no exception.  We've already received some feedback on the 2013 crop which, in our view, is one of the best we remember.  Here's an e-mail that arrived in this morning's inbox:
I don't need to go any further than my first cup of 2013 Makaibari Darjeeling first flush tea.  In my mind, this is a high quality first flush tea.  It has the typical floral brightness associated with a premium Darjeeling first flush tea.  It reminds me of the Darjeeling first flush tea I was continually served when I visited the Makaibari Tea Estate during the first flush season in April, 2005.  Sipping a cup of this tea puts me in a state of peace and reflection.  Outstanding!  My compliments to Rajah, Srirupa, and the extended Makaibari Estate family.  Your friend in Tea, Mike.
I couldn't agree more - thank you, Mike.
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