Silver Tips Tea Blog

Here's a look at what goes on behind the scenes, our thoughts on tea, fun facts and customer comments.

Silver Tips Tea Blog - Main

Trekkers at Makaibari

Chris & Peter Merg are intrepid trekkers.  They've covered impressive ground in Nepal and Tibet and before heading to Sikkim/Bhutan, they had stopped at Makaibari.  I met them and we...

Trekkers at Makaibari

Chris & Peter Merg are intrepid trekkers.  They've covered impressive ground in Nepal and Tibet and before heading to Sikkim/Bhutan, they had stopped at Makaibari.  I met them and we...

Afternoon Tea, not High Tea

Even the most upscale establishments incorrectly refer to the elegant Afternoon Tea as "high tea".  It's understandable since the word 'high' has connotations of 'superior'.  Consider high society or higher-than-thou...

Afternoon Tea, not High Tea

Even the most upscale establishments incorrectly refer to the elegant Afternoon Tea as "high tea".  It's understandable since the word 'high' has connotations of 'superior'.  Consider high society or higher-than-thou...

Makaibari Tea Cocktails!

Makaibari being put to very good use!

Makaibari Tea Cocktails!

Makaibari being put to very good use!