"Imagine my delight and surprise, when last night the opening scene of the new Masterpiece Mystery (The Escape Artist) showed a barrister enjoying her Makaibari Silver Tips Darjeeling Tea, and saying it was better than champagne!".This was in my inbox this morning from one of our regular customers and it's been one of many comments and phone calls I've received in the last few days on this topic. First, it gets featured on NCIS Los Angeles, then it is served to the FIFA World Cup Soccer players in the morning and now Masterpiece Mystery! Alas, I missed the episode but I do have a friend on watch duty for me looking out for when it will air again. Meanwhile, we are receiving a lot of orders and queries on Makaibari Silver Tips and enjoying the heightened interest.
I've been drinking Samovar tea as my favored morning tea for many years. It's a rich full body tea that I truly enjoy.
So glad you enjoy this. The slightly fruity notes of Lychee tone down the undernotes of smokiness of the base tea. Samovar has a small but very dedicated following!
I love this tea. I drink it every day and give it as gifts to people I love.